• theoxygentimes@gmail.com


The Marathon Rally of Smokes'

Uttar Khairbari, Madarihat, Dooars, West Bengal


I am seeing a rally of smokes’

Covering the sky itself

They are speeding fast

And draping us in black shadows,

By the foul smell of human flesh


The cries of humans

The floor is weeping silently

Indistinctly weeping

Is humankind!

Those who enter the Parliament

Today having entered in every tiny bit

Have hollowed it all

The country

And us!!

The hands supposed to hold the pen

Being handcuffed with guns

The proponents of ‘Jehad’

Stamp over the corpse of God in broad daylight

And by the evening, touching the holy book

Try to wash away their sins,

By the tears of humanity

It never got drenched

The wings of terror

Could never stop

It’s speed-

In the journey of heading nowhere

Those looking for destination

Do not know

The distance between life and death

The elements who narrow it down

Cannot make it stumble

The waving flag of humanity.

9/11, I remember

The corpses of Connaught Place

The heartiest outcries of Panbazar

From within the Taj/Oberoi

The living form of terror!

By the stream of tears

The marks of blood being wiped out

Those scenes….

More than the bullets

Here I see the tears

Are more effective

In the screen of television

I everyday

Keep waiting for the Prime Minister

To listen to his speech of mourning


To hear the opposition

Attacking the government….

But who shall obliterate

From within the hearts

The shadows of terror



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