• theoxygentimes@gmail.com


One Day    एकदिन

--By Geeta Tripathee

Translated by Sri Shivan Sharma Kharal

One Day

One Day


Resolved to build a massive house

Of his bravery

Of his nature

Of his own model

A  historic house.

Keeping a golden statue

Worshiping  it.

Laid the foundation

And offered  countless sacrifices.


By staking their lives

Made the house

A very    beautiful indeed.

He knew it

That he ever

A home as this

Would never be able to build.


Felt like rejoicing there all alone

Within the home, he

Stroked the brush of his own choice

 Tinted the colour of his  own choice.

Outside the home , he

Erected a massive door

And outside the door, he

Instructed to write:-

‘Beware of Dog !”



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